The Problem Addressed

Many younger professionals especially those in technical professions shop online at least once or twice a month, and some, up to ten times a month! However, these online shoppers are rarely home to receive their packages. Some have them redirected to their workplaces, but still find it difficult to break away to receive these packages. This has created an unprecedented amount of traffic made up of mostly young men delivering packages or goods throughout the day. Thus, deliveries create increased traffic and the presence of multiple delivery vans and delivery persons clogs the premises. Many of these delivery persons “set up shop” by the road and wait there several hours (see photo above) for recipients to pick up their parcels. More importantly for developers and property managers, all these factors result in security and safety issues.
The Solution

Podrones Logistics Pvt. Ltd. has created a unique, patent-pending/patentable solution that consists of a Pod (i.e. a secure box placed outside a home or in a public place) where packages can be picked up or delivered. The Pods can be remotely operated by the owner or the delivery person can be given a code to open the Pod for delivery or pickup. Additionally we are offering a PodBank consisting of multiple Pods, which can be used by anyone expecting a delivery. PodBanks are typically placed in the lobbies of buildings at any edge location. Delivery personnel deliver parcels to these PodBanks and consignees are automatically informed (by SMS or an App) that a parcel awaits them in the PodBank. They can then come to the PodBank at their convenience, login, and pickup their parcels.